Nancy suffered for years with Occipital Neuralgia pain. She had many different kinds of treatments and surgeries, but nothing relieved the pain. Then she found Dr. Aguila, a pain-focused peripheral nerve surgeon. Not only did Dr. Aguila eliminate her pain, but Nancy did not have to pay for her surgery. Instead she donated community service hours through the M25 Program. Watch her incredible story.
“My name is Nancy and I’m from Houston, Texas. I’ve been suffering from occipital neuralgia for about seven years. It has been so difficult. I had surgery with another surgeon before meeting Dr. Aguila but only had relief for 18 months and then after that, the pain came back. I lost my job and it has affected my family life so much.
I have been to see so many different doctors - pain management doctors, neurologists and so many others. They all had their opinion and I tried so many different treatments. I had surgery on my neck. I had fusion on my neck. Then I had shoulder surgery. There was nothing else for me. A doctor wanted to put a spinal stimulator in and that was going to be it. But I knew there had to be a better way.
I found Dr. Demetrio Aguila through a Facebook support group. I flew to Omaha, and he spent two hours with me just talking to me about everything I’ve gone through and all the treatments I’ve tried and all the surgeries I’ve done. He was so compassionate. He listened to me, and he didn’t rush me.”
In the operating room Dr. Aguila disconnected the greater and lesser occipital nerves on both sides, trading pain for numbness.
“It’s only a few days after surgery, but I already feel so much relief compared to the other surgery. Also, Dr. Aguila doesn’t prescribe any kind of narcotics or opioids and I found comfort with that because I know with those medications there is a possibility of addiction. I am feeling a bit of nerve pain, but that is normal, and the nerves are getting settled. But I am progressing every day.
Also, I did not have to pay Dr. Aguila anything because of the M25 program. I’ve never found a doctor that offered something like that where the surgeon fees are covered by volunteer hours. I have family and patients that I have seen donating hours towards my surgery. I appreciate Dr. Aguila so much for his surgical skills and his M25 program. If all goes according to plan and I feel very optimistic. I would love to donate towards that program once I start working again.
I will be forever grateful for the M25 program and
Dr. Aguila.”