Amy suffered for years with pain and tingling in both thighs. She was diagnosed with Meralgia Paresthetica, compression of the Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve. Dr. Aguila is a pain-focused peripheral nerve surgeon who helps patients overcome chronic pain problems. In one surgery he gave Amy her life and her smile back.
“My name is Amy, and I sought treatment with Dr. Aguila for a condition called Meralgia Paresthetica.
I’m sharing my journey for a couple purposes. Number one to provide hope and number two validation for anyone who is struggling with chronic nerve pain.
I had pain in both of my thighs. I also had numbness and tingling. I tried to deal with the pain, but eventually it became so overwhelming that I had to seek treatment because I was unable to drive, to sit for an extended period, unable to walk even short distances. My life revolved around pain and physical limitations. I eventually became homebound by choice because I was emotionally exhausted from the guilt and shame of failing.
Finally, I had a doctor refer me to Dr. Aguila. Dr. Aguila is a pain-focused, peripheral nerve surgeon. This is a very narrow subset of physicians that have the degree of specialized training needed for precision in nerve surgery.
I spoke to Dr. Aguila on the phone, and he seemed to understand my condition. He believed he could help me.
I booked a trip from my home in Mississippi to see Dr. Aguila in Omaha, Nebraska.
I spent my evenings and weekends leading up to surgery replaying over and over Dr. Aguila’s patient testimonials on YouTube. It gave me a high degree validation that I wasn’t creating this pain.”
In the operating room, Dr. Aguila decompressed Amy’s lateral femoral cutaneous nerve on both sides. This surgery has a 95% success rate.
“Immediately after surgery, I noticed significant changes and improvements as the pain I had anticipated with every movement was gone. I noticed that my husband began walking ahead of me instead of beside me, confident that I no longer needed his help. My confidence and my daily activities continue to build leading to more smiles and more engagement.
I have so much gratitude for Dr. Aguila and his team.”
Dr. Aguila and Total Pain Solutions